About Sankofa Political Studies
Sankofa Political Studies (SPS) is a cultural and didactic activity of the Correct Connect Africa Foundation. It is an educative platform where we provide didactic materials, offer courses on Africa History, cultural practices, documents on African Union and many more. SPS commenced In the 2017/2018 academic year in Rome. As a methodological approach, we use the term SEASON to represent the different editions of SPS and our courses for this season are streamlined into 12 units or episodes. Also, for now, the languages of instruction are English, French, and Italian. The theme of Season I, II, III and IV are “Pan-Africanism: History and Philosophy“, “Principles and Foundations of African Charter of human and people’s Right“, “Bio-PANAF: Studying the Life and Works of African Figures,” Pan-African Philosophy, Maatian Anthropology, and The Thoughts of Cheikh Anna Drop, an Overview respectively.
This year 2023/2024 academic year we will have two separate themes for the English and French audiences. The theme of Season VI for the English audience is The General History of Africa, vol II, while for the French audience, the theme is, Contemporary African Political Thoughts. If you are interested in participating in these lessons send us an email at sps@ccaf.africa or register below.
You may want to Access Some of the resources for this Season Sankofa Political Studies.
Sankofa Political Studies: PAN-AFRICAN PHILOSOPHY 1 (S – IV)
Lesson Twelve: Black Music & Politics of Authenticity
Meeting ID: 832 9694 5877
Passcode: 309828
Lesson Twelve: Black Music & Politics of Authenticity
Date: 11th May 2022
Time: 9:00 PM Prompt (GMT Rome) 8:00 PM (WAT Nigeria)
Speaker: Fidèle M. Hounnouvi (Clinical Psychologist, Benin Republic)
Meeting ID: 832 9694 5877
Passcode: 309828
Pan-Africanism: History and Philosophy
Principles and Foundations of African Charter of human and people’s Right
Pan-African Philosophy 1 [ONGOING…]
Meet The Organizers Of SPS

Odior Aleakwe

Mahougnon Sinsin
Professor of Philosophy and African Studies

Diarra Bertin