CCAF is a movement of persons interested in promoting African Heritage through Education.

CCAF stands for Correct Connect Africa Foundation. We are an organization of Africans interested in connecting to our roots, the African heritage through education. We clamour for an education that decolonizes the African mind; that forms, transforms and innovates.

Our Preferential Educational Choices are based on

History and Culture

Education, for us should be based on the socio-cultural, political and historical realities of the learner. We believe that history and culture are complimentary, neither should be neglected in academic process.

Innovation and Social Business

Afro Social Business is a business principle that prioritizes Profit-making social good, natural resources and care of the environment. It is a wholesome project that emphasizes the well-being of the community, people and structures.

Pan Africanist Citizenship

We support and proposes a Pan-African citizenry. A Socio-political identity consciousness of all Africans in the continent and diaspora.


Eco consciousness plays a significant role in creating an awareness towards instilling a culture of care and preservation of the Eco-system.

Our Preferential Educational Choices are based on

History and Culture

Education, for us should be based on the socio-cultural, political and historical realities of the learner. We believe that history and culture are complimentary, neither should be neglected in academic process.

Innovation and Social Business

Afro Social Business is a business principle that prioritizes Profit-making social good, natural resources and care of the environment. It is a wholesome project that emphasizes the well-being of the community, people and structures.

Pan Africanist Citizenship

We support and proposes a Pan-African citizenry. A Socio-political identity consciousness of all Africans in the continent and diaspora.


Eco consciousness plays a significant role in creating an awareness towards instilling a culture of care and preservation of the Eco-system.

Our Preferential Educational Choices are based on

History and Culture​

Education, for us should be based on the socio-cultural, political and historical realities of the learner. We believe that history and culture are complimentary, neither should be neglected in academic process.​

Innovation and Social Business​

Afro Social Business is a business principle that prioritizes Profit-making social good, natural resources and care of the environment. It is a wholesome project that emphasizes the well-being of the community, people and structures.​

Pan Africanist Citizenship​

We support and proposes a Pan-African citizenry. A Socio-political identity consciousness of all Africans in the continent and diaspora.​


Eco consciousness plays a significant role in creating an awareness towards instilling a culture of care and preservation of the Eco-system.​

Subscribe For Sankofa Youth Journal

The journal contains reflections and scientific researches of African themes, like history, African traditions, art and design etc. Every year subscribers will receive the new digital edition of this journal.

Take Part In Our Upcoming Events

CCAF organizes four major events every year; the Launching of Sankofa Youth Journal, Inauguration of Sankofa Political Studies, Diop Legacy Day and Africa Memorial Day.

Join The CCAF Team

Feel free to contact us if you want to be a member of this noble organization. Everyone is warmly welcome.

Register For Sankofa Political Studies

Every year CCAF organizes a free course on African Studies. Do not miss this opportunity to connect to your African Roots.

Subscribe For Sankofa Youth Journal

The journal contains reflections and scientific researches of African themes, like history, African traditions, art and design etc. Every year subscribers will receive the new digital edition of this journal.

Take Part In Our Upcoming Events

CCAF organizes four major events every year; the Launching of Sankofa Youth Journal, Inauguration of Sankofa Political Studies, Diop Legacy Day and Africa Memorial Day.

Join The CCAF Team

Feel free to contact us if you want to be a member of this noble organization. Everyone is warmly welcome.

Register For Sankofa Political Studies

Every year CCAF organizes a free course on African Studies. Do not miss this opportunity to connect to your African Roots.



“The history of Black Africa will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until African historians dare to connect it with the history of Ancient Egypt”

Cheikh Anta Diop.

"The one who has the courage to kill a snake must also have the courage to cut off the head."

The Ekphei People

"Civilization is one having knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture, refinement, and is not a savage in the pursuit of happiness."

Elijah Mohammad