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CCAF Honours African Heroes and Heroines

1st day of May recalls the day set aside by the world to mark the labourers who toil day and night to bring development and civilization to different parts of the world. In memory and honour of our heroes and ancestors who have toiled for centuries both at home and in the diaspora, the Correct Connect Africa Foundation (CCAF) has chosen such a significant day to celebrate the grandiose achievements of these notable figures as recorded in history. Thus despite the inability of the members to be physically united, (as was initially planned), because of the present pandemic that has held the world in a standstill, our spirit could not be daunted as we sought an online alternative, the Zoom Meetings, and Chat. Zoom Meetings and Chat is an enterprise video conferencing that enables instant messaging and content sharing. Around 30members and friends of the foundation from different parts of West Africa and Europe participated in the 80 minutes online-event.

The celebration was divided into three different intervals: 

  • The rite of light: the rite of lightening the candle, an epitome of the ever-burning African light. The light symbolizes the hope that Africa will once again take her rightful place in the world just like her ancestors did several centuries ago before she was trampled upon and almost obliterated by slavery and colonization. 
  • Readings: articles from the famous “Code Noir”; discourse on colonialism; poems and video clips narrate the value for life, the benevolent treatment of the other, slave or freeman, the history of the horrific experiences of slavery inflicted on our ancestors and consequently colonization.
  • Conclusive rites: at this point, CCAF members reaffirmed their commitment to upholding the principles and values that are so dear to the ancestors they commemorate. A commitment to stand for the course of freedom, justice, human dignity, the protection for women and children, to work for the African renaissance, and with these to construct a whole that is humane and just. 

The struggle to liberate Africa is the ever-burning flame in our hearts, which cannot be quenched by any adversary or obstacles life might throw at us. We all pledged to abide by the principles of our ancestors which are to be our guide as we acknowledge the dignity of all human lives. 


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