Africans in Rome mark Diop Legacy Month in a grand style
The Correct Connect Africa Foundation, Rome section, marks Diop’s Legacy Month in grand style.
The Correct Connect Africa Foundation, Rome section, marks Diop’s Legacy Month in grand style.
It was a step in the right direction for Correct Connect Africa Foundation (CCAF) on Wednesday, 21st December 2022, when…
CCAF brings Africa Memorial Day to Africa. The Correct Connect Africa Foundation organises, for the first time, Africa Memorial Day on African soil.
The event commemorates and honours one of Africa’s finest intellectual giant: Cheikh Anta Diop.
Correct Connect Africa Foundation (CCAF)
will launch the second publication of Sankofa Youth Journal (SYJ)
On 17th October 2020.
Kufungia na Kutuliza Bunduki ifikapo 2020 ndio sehemu ya kwanza ya mada ya siku hii ya Afrika. Mnamo Mei 25,…
Le CCAF se joint au continent africain pour célébrer la Journée de l’Afrique. En ce jour, nous célébrons l’unité de l’Afrique, nous célébrons notre unité et notre racine. Nous célébrons nos héros qui se sont battus et ont sacrifié leur vie pour le cours de notre unité. Nous célébrons Ubuntu.
CCAF joins the African Continent to celebrate Africa Day. On this day we celebrate Africa’s Unity, we celebrate our oneness and our root. We celebrate our heroes who fought and laid their lives for the course of our unity. We celebrate Ubuntu.
les membres et sympathisants de la Fondation CCA ont choisi de rendre hommage à la mémoire de nos Ancêtres Africains déportés …
CCAF honours African heroes and heroine on an event tagged: African Memorial Day.
1. Dollar Account
Account name: Correct Connect Africa Foundation
Account no: 3003350824
Bank :UBA
IBAN: DE20 5007 0010 095570910000
2. Naira Account
Name: Correct Connect Africa Foundation
Bank: UBA
No: 1024177354