
Twenty Hate

I’d love to leave this world at the slightest opportunity
Definitely not by suicide or insanity
One minute you’re celebrating and the next it’s calamity
Different forces terrorizing with impunity
Good men gone and bad ones blessed with longevity
stealing from the hopeless with immunity.
I grew in Christianity
But now I feel like I lost my identity
you can call that levity
Now I enjoy the serenity
Having found my own personality.
I got caught up in ravishing reality,
It was a great siege of poverty
I was left with my ingenuity,
Rather than suffer insecurity
Better to be steady on my ability
to bring me out of this complexity
Quite difficult seeking divinity
Enough with actions of futility
I have everything I need for utility
No room for stupidity
As life offers continuity
I accept in full humility
And I promise to have importunity
For there abound possibility
That by the virtue of creativity
I finally found tranquility
To gain eternal visibility.

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