CCAF Inaugurates Her First Interim Executive Commitee
By Kunle Ogundana
We the Kheperians, sons and Daughters of Africa, Cradle of Humanity and Civilization; in solidarity with men and women, who in different works of life are championing noble causes, invoking the universe as a witness, and united to the totality of Creation, REAFFIRM confidently in the face of the world and the Nations these principles so dear to our Ancestors…

The above quotation were the exact words with which members of the interim executive committee of Correct Connect Africa Foundation commenced their installation ceremony on 4th June 2019, (Shemou, III, 6255). The inauguration began at 12 noon. Prof. Mahougnon Sinsin volunteered to animate the process of the inauguration. The texts used for the Declaration of Principles are of great importance as they date back to 2400 years BC. The most important of all was an extract from the act of the independence of Haiti, proclaimed for the first time on the first of January 1804, and had probably not been employed in the same manner as CCAF did on that day.
In attendance were the following nine (9) executive members: Mayengue J. Kussama (Angola), Okoh Eibozele Isaac (Nigeria), Vanessa Kimbele Kapotwe (Congo DR), Kunle Ogundana (Nigeria), Iranu Bertin Diarra (Mali), Deborah Kaying Ngoy (Congo DR), Odior Anoghena Stanley (Nigeria), who participated via Whatsapp call, Marc-Auguste Kambiré (Ivory Coast), Odior Anthony Aleakwe (Nigeria), and the chairman of the inauguration ceremony, Prof. Mahougnon Sinsin (Benin Republic). After the common proclamation of the “Declaration of Principles,” the general secretary read out, to the hearing of members present, the objectives of the foundation.

The General coordinator, Odior Anthony Aleakwe, was installed according to the African tradition on his presidential stool. His installation indicates the trust and confidence executive members have on his ability to pilot the young foundation towards realizing her objectives.

Presentation of the Maat feather to the newly installed GC.
The celebration was crowned with two other important rites: the symbolic presentation of water to the coordinator, which implies a wish of peace and fecundity in his mission, and the handing over of the Maat feather, which is a symbol of truth, justice and harmony. It serves as a reminder to the coordinator and his entire crew to defend these three values on behalf of the foundation and for the progress of the great people of Africa. Shortly, there was a toast, and the newly installed coordinator gave a brief speech, urging everyone to be ready, conscious and committed to the enormous task ahead.