
Surviving as an African


The Electricity Authorities just made an announcement that there would be power outage in the coming minutes, which was premised on the need for some checks in the control room. The social media was agog, with rants as to why this should occur, and the need for our fundamental benefits be withdrawn. Mind you, this only occurs in just a week in every year for maintenance routine.

Sitting, holding my pen and pacing up with the work ahead of me as well the ongoing proposal on my system, wondering what the next line of action would be, and of what nature, life would come at me in the coming days with my new proposal on renewable energy for automobiles.

My mind reminisced back to the early 2020s when the Country was in a shadow of itself. Erratic power supply, deplorable roads, undemocratic government and social vices had been the order of the day. Most talks were centred on Japa Plan, as everyone wanted to leave the country due to the harsh and crippling economic realities, deplorable state of roads, bad state of governance and frustration on the part of the citizenry. Everyone was tired, the electorates were apolitical, violence rocked everywhere and hope seemed to be a far cry. I remembered how I had to survive on a salary of Ten Thousand Naira Only, (N10,000.00), whereas I had to pay rent, feed myself and still plan for the future. The courage to even think of settling own died a natural death within me, as I had already moved on with life, thinking of the best yet to come. Time for elections came in, the third force was gathering momentum, and people were already visualising a new Nigerian, set for being Africa’s masterpiece, well, I believe in miracle and changes, but not like a better Nigeria like this. I am happy this is happening while I am still alive. Notwithstanding, my mind would continue to linger on the October 20th, 2020 crisis. The new generation do not totally understand the experience, as it is strange and alien to them, but the memory lives on.

There is news of neighbouring African countries involved in ethnic fights an insurgency all around, and so I heard that the government has sent mercenaries to help in the war against insurgency, as well as our government collaborate with the African countries on how they can make viable economic progress. I have survived as an African. Others too, will and shall survive.

Oluwatomisin Adeola FAJULUGBE.

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