
African Woman

Beautiful as the sunrise.
Her smile makes dead dreams rise.
Her smile conceals and surpasses
Moments of pain.
Her skin is smooth and dazzling,
Like a diamond placed in the sun.
Her skin never stop dazzling;
The creator keeps applying oil to it.

Her arms ever welcoming,
Soft to cuddle the kids to sleep.
Her crafty hands tirelessly producing.

The epitome of strength,
Capable of any task.

Epitome of bravery
Ready to go to the mountains and plains
To find green pastures.
Ready to step on thistles and thorns
To make kids smile.
The delight of the household.

Willing to submit to male dominance
And also offer full support.

An optimistic personality,
Besteered by a surge of determination.
Her dreams though deferred, never die.

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