
CCAF Speech by Kunle SDB

If you are here today, it’s obvious that you’ve got a place in your heart for Mama Africa, you recognize her values and you want others to appreciate her. So, we have something in common… we are young volunteers from various part of Africa, and we will like to present to you Correct Connect Africa Foundation (CCAF) – an association registered under the Nigeria Corporate Affair Commission.

Based on our various experiences in the search for meaning, we saw the need to embark on a severe journey back to our African roots, in search of that heritage and patrimony with which our fundamental thirst in life may be quenched.

We work in the field of education in Africa. We promote a resolutely pan-Africanist vision of education, A vision inspired mainly by the thought of Prof. Cheikh Anta Diop. According to him, “Intellectuals ought to study the past, not for the pleasure they find in so doing, but to derive lessons from it.”

Our main objective is to Connect Through Education. It is our utmost desire to create a network of reflection and action between African associations that campaign for a face-lift of the education system in Africa in line with the Diopian vision. We wish to Create a network of knowledge and exchanges between young people of the continent and those of the Diaspora around the intellectual and cultural heritage of Africa. We wish to create a cultural reconnection dynamic, that helps new generations to discover and enhance the heritage of African Classical Humanities.

When we talk of Education, it revolves around three fundamental notions: “Form, Transform and Perform.” We form a competent African elite, animated by a strong cultural, historical and political consciousness; we transform, through the culture of reconnection, that is, reconnecting to our roots, we perform through the African Intellectual Innovative Potential, making it the central lever of our Renaissance and our project of modernity.

Our preferential educational choices are as follows; we particularly insist on a certain aspect of education which constitutes for us real lines of action: historical and cultural consciousness, Innovation and Afro Social Business education, a Pan-Africanist citizenship education and Ecological education.

Currently, we are into preparation of didactic materials for cultural animation, Creation of an e-library devoted solely to African studies, Promotion of young African talents and innovative African initiatives, Preparation of a cultural magazine: the Sankofa Youth Journal (SYJ) and the Creation of the Sankofa Youth Club (SYC) in African universities.

Being a new foundation, we have not yet explored all our potentialities, meaning that we have our long-term projects: we intend to collaborate with African schools and universities, so as to be able to train young entrepreneurs in Afro Social Business and organize summer universities and cultural immersion camps for young Africans, this may include organizing workshops on literacy in African languages, at the peak of it all, there will be the creation of a Pan-African Agro-Cultural Center with branches in various capital cities of Africa nations.

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