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Adeoye Felix Abayomi, appointed as the first National Coordinator of CCAF Nigeria

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Lagos, Nigeria – On this day, 1st of October, 2019, the Nigerian people and its government commemorate their independence day. This day is a day of celebration; a day of reflection on the strides of development achieved and the government’s projections for the years ahead.
In tune with the celebration, Correct Connect Africa Foundation (CCAF), Nigeria chapter, made history as she inaugurates her first National Coordinator (NC).

CCAF GC and members at the inauguration ceremony

The event was presided over by CCAF General Coordinator (GC), Aleakwe Odior. The recitation of the “Declaration of Principles” of CCAF was read by members present. This was followed by instituting the appointed NC for CCAF Nigeria on his chair of authority. Giving his first speech as the first NC of Nigeria, he urged members to be ready to work hard for the realization of the CCAF mission and to persevere in times of hardship.

The new NC receiving the Maat feather which symbolizes Truth, Justice and Balance

Our new NC, Adeoye Felix Abayomi, hails from Oyo State, Ibadan, Nigeria. He is 26 years old. He is a professional photographer; he worked with Airtel Nigeria for four years, from 2014 – 2018 as a customer care representative with certification from Centum Africa and Lead Pan-African Institute of Management. He has seven years of experience as a fish farmer. Adeoye loves creating images, traveling, writing on African history and culture. He is currently rounding up his studies at the University of Ibadan in the department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management.

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