JAPA OR STAY? A worker bee that makes the honey is entitled to his minimum wage, But the king bees…
JAPA OR STAY? A worker bee that makes the honey is entitled to his minimum wage, But the king bees…
The evening is still and I hear it sounding, The leaves rustle and I see it coming, The whine of…
you won’t need that suit again when you get to spain. in spain you will find ones of better quality,…
Every May 1st, the Correct Connect Africa Foundation commemorates and celebrates its African Heroes and Heroines, Men, women and children forcefully taken into slavery, tortured and killed. Today, we remember, educate ourselves about them and celebrate them.
Dem say dem come in peace, Las las dem leave us in pieces, Day dey break with new vawulence, Even…
Election na wrestling match And who follow the rules no dey win The referee dey bias Him go bend the…
The Correct Connect Africa Foundation, Rome section, marks Diop’s Legacy Month in grand style.
“The Echoes of Chains” Through the scorching sun and endless pain, The enslaved were forced to walk in chain. Their…
SLAVE ROUTES Slaves Routes, a road of tears, Where freedom was lost, and hopes disappeared. But their memories live on,…