Sankofa Political Studies – Zoom Meeting
Sankofa Political Studies (SPS) has scheduled a Zoom class for 29th of April. Time is by 9:00pm.
Sankofa Political Studies (SPS) has scheduled a Zoom class for 29th of April. Time is by 9:00pm.
Sankofa Political Studies (SPS) has scheduled a Zoom class for 22nd of April. Time is by 9:00pm.
L’incontro Zoom per trattare il tema : I Diritti Specifici Della Carta Africana.
The official launch of CCAF Pan-African Journal, Sankofa Youth Journal.
CCAF General Coordinator, Odior Aleakwe Speaks to Ghanaian students about the need to study to be aware so as to broaden and liberate their minds from colonial mindset.
CCAF and Rome Business school had a meeting on the 5th of August, 2019; to discuss possible areas of collaboration and partnership.
CCAF inaugurates her first interim executive committe that will see to the runnings and to guide the foundation towards a formidable structure.
CCAF participates at the Tembea Kenya: Cultural and Business Exchange. Our clamoured for an education that liberates the mind of the African.
CCAF concludes one of its schelduled activity for the academic year 2018/2019, Pan-Africanism: History and Philosophy.