Nkrumah: One of the Advocates of Africa’s Political and Economic liberation – CCAF GC to Ghanaian Students.
CCAF General Coordinator, Odior Aleakwe Speaks to Ghanaian students about the need to study to be aware so as to broaden and liberate their minds from colonial mindset.

CCAF delivers the Sankofa Message to SYM Nigeria for the first time
Members of CCAF were at the annual SYM congress on 7th September to deliver the Sankofa message. The message focused on the need for the youngsters to develop a sensibility towards history, Africa’s history and to promote their cultural identity.

Encounter – CCAF attends Pat Utomi’s book launch
CCAF participated at Pat Utomi’s book launch titled: Why Not: Citizenship, state capture, creeping fascism and criminal hijack of politics in Nigeria.

Partnership – CCAF Meets Rome Business School Lagos Campus
CCAF and Rome Business school had a meeting on the 5th of August, 2019; to discuss possible areas of collaboration and partnership.

CCAF Inaugurates Her First Interim Executive Commitee
CCAF inaugurates her first interim executive committe that will see to the runnings and to guide the foundation towards a formidable structure.

Tembea Kenya: CCAF and the Sankofa Message
CCAF participates at the Tembea Kenya: Cultural and Business Exchange. Our clamoured for an education that liberates the mind of the African.

CCAF concludes one of its schelduled activity for the academic year 2018/2019, Pan-Africanism: History and Philosophy.

Interview du CCAF à Pauline Keller-Tsanga, promotrice de Nutrispir+
CCAF representative, Vanessa Kapotwe, had a one on one with Pauline keller-Tsanga on the occasion of the launching of Nutrispir+.

Lancement officiel de Nutrispir+ à base de Spiruline par une Africaine
Rome – 19th March 2019, at the Salesian Pontificia University, Correct Connect Africa Foundation participated at the official launching of Nutrispir+, directed by Pauline Keller-Tsanga from Cameroun.
The Event saw the presence of distinguished guests, which include, ambassadors, bishops from Burkina Faso and Cameroun; medical officials from several countries, such as Belgium, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Luxembourg, Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States.
Nutrispir+ is a dietary supplement made from spirulina and other active ingredients that fight nutritional deficiencies and strengthens the immune system in children and adults. It is one of the most potent nutrient sources available, according to wellnessmama.com.
Dr Jethro Mavungu, a specialist in public health and doctoral student in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Liège, explained the properties and the numerous health benefits of the product.